Sunday, 16 December 2018

Kate Bush Moments Of Pleasure UK 2CD Single

Hello Everyone Out There - Here's The Last Post Of The Year-
Thanks For All The Comments & I Be Back On 7th Of Jan 2019-Until Then Have A Merry Christmas & Happy New Year


Get It At Discogs


  1. You are the Legend - From Shanghai have a great Christmas and New Year. 48 hours and Norwich awaits for the first family Christmas in years. You blog has been a serious bonus and relief valve for me living in China - thanks.

  2. Have a great 2019! cheers from Brazil!

  3. Not as exotic as the other 2 posts, but Happy Christmas from Kent! See you again in 2019 for more amazing music Aid.

  4. Wiltshire UK Calling! Hope you have a great Christmas.

    Thanks for a great year.

  5. Thank you for all the great music that you have posted over the last 12 months,
    Seasons Greetings and all the best for the New Year

  6. Thank you SOOO MUCH for all your posts both here and on "Under The Covers" - you rock Aid00!!

    And on a side note, I noticed some recent posts here on Welcome To use Sendspace links... for me personally, that is awesome, because for some reason, Mediafire links don't work for me any more.

    Either way, thanks for all you do, I appreciate your sharing! Happy Holidays from Georgia!
